Condega Cigars

Condega Cigars proudly celebrate the great valley of Condega in Nicaragua’s esteemed tobacco region. Our cigars are imbued with a sense of place, paying homage to the beauty and tradition of Nicaraguan tobacco. Each alluring smoke is handcrafted using only premium leaves and offers exceptional flavor, draw and aroma at an unbeatable price point.

For over forty years we have been leading the development of Nicaraguan cigars, becoming one of the finest exponent brands in Spain, and we are proud to now offer our masterful wares for your retail business or wholesale needs.

Condega Cigars are perfect for those who desire a cigar that firmly stands by its terroirs, featuring the most exquisite flavor notes cultivated from generations of refining this iconic Nicaraguan leaf. Experience a full bodied smoke with perfect balance between strength and complexity, backed by a lengthy finish that keep true aficionados coming back each time.

If you seek quality in every puff and outstanding value for your business contact us today to restock on these coveted premiums crafted entirely in Nicaragua’s exemplary Condega’s Valley.